Green Eyed View

The Ramblings of a Green-Eyed Gal

Whee for Wii December 29, 2006

Filed under: Family,Technology — sarah j. @ 8:16 am

My parents have gotten into gaming.

Last night, Dave, my parents, and I played for over an hour with the Wii Game System at Dave’s apartment, mainly with the Bowling game. My parents absolutely loved it. We had a fabulous time.

My mom has always really enjoyed bowling. I think when my parents first married or when I was younger or something, she was part of a league. All I know is the woman still owns her own ball. I don’t think she has done any bowling in a number of years, probably because it is hard on her back. But bowling with the Wii was painless and super fun for her. There was plenty of squeals and giggles and laughter from all of us. And my dad…..oh he was funny! Dave and I got so tickled when he was trying to figure out how the controller worked and how to play.

As for me, I loved it because I am actually a halfway decent bowler in the virtual world. In real life, I stink at bowling. I love it, but I stink. Much to my mom’s dismay, my “crowning acheivement” was bowling a 72 when I was in a bowling class in High School. Yeah. I am bad. However, in Wii world, I am a champ! Ok, so maybe not a champ, but I did beat my parents and Dave the last game we played. I bowled a 198! That is huge for me. I think its because I don’t have to worry about the ball weight or sliding on those slippery floors in slippery bowling shoes while trying to stay in form. In Wii bowling, I line it up, aim, and swing! I love it! The tennis game is also pretty fun. After my parents left, Dave and I played a few games. Poor guy. I knocked his hand and his kneecap pretty hard with my controller on a few of those swings….. :p I guess I got into it….haha. oops. Sorry Dave… 😦

By the end of the evening, my mom was even seriously considering buying one for herself. She had that much fun. I hope they do….. 🙂